
November 2023

November 2023

Lauren Williams

How long have you been Running?

9 years

How long have you been with Caerleon Running Club and how did you come to join us?

A beloved, close friend of mine Paula Hoddinott, who sadly passed away in 2016, introduced me to running. Through her courageous battles, she continued to run and even ran a marathon in her final few months. She was such an inspiration to me and always will be.

What motivates you to keep running?

I love the social side of running with everyone in CRC. It definitely helps motivate me to run with the cold, wet and dark evenings approaching. Running has been great for my well-being and fitness, especially since having my two little ones. My two daughters motivate me to run as I want to hopefully be a good role model to them and encourage them to participate in health and fitness activities as they grow up.

What is your running ambition?

My running ambition is to run a half marathon in sub 1:50…and finish it!


What do you consider your proudest moment?

Running my first half marathon for Paula.


Do you have any regrets when it comes to your running journey?

Not that I can think of. I always try to stay positive and be proud of any running journey, it’s not always easy.

What is your favourite race, and why? If you don’t race, what is your favourite run?

I recently ran my first GLCL XC in Chepstow and I absolutely loved it! So i think that has to be my favourite race so far.


What is your favourite music to run to? Or if you don’t listen to music, what do you think about while running?

I don’t really have a favourite type of music to run to. My playlist is very random! I love listening to dance music or anything with a good fast beat to get me running faster!


What is your go-to post-run drink or treat?

Brownies are my go-to treat!

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out running?

From a recent experience of mine, my advice would be to keep your eye on your heart rate when running. Make sure to know your limit and slow down when needed. I learned the hard way, and still have a lot to learn myself!
On a more positive note, just enjoy each run, don’t take it too seriously and push yourself to go out for that run…even if it’s raining, you’ll be glad that you did!

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I’d just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and every success in 2024.
It’s been a marvelous first year for me at Caerleon Running Club and I’ve absolutely loved every minute. Thank you everyone for all your help, advice and encouragement. I’ve learned so much and I’m still learning. Looking forward to the next stage of my running journey so much.

Thank you Lauren!