
February 2023

February 2023

Tracy Cooper

How long have you been Running?

About 7 years

How long have you been with Caerleon Running Club and how did you come to join us?

Around 5 years. I ran Cardiff Half, for the first time, in 2017. and soon after decided I was definitely a runner now and wanted to join a club to help. me improve.


What inspired you to start running?

Two of my three sisters had been doing par runs or a w le m onwy and Doncaster) and, at the end of 2015, I decided I was going to give it a go in the new year. I really wasn’t a runner at that point – the last time I’d done any running was probably in secondary school – so I was just going to along and walk 5k every week to improve my fitness. It turned out to be the first week of a couch to 5k course so, when the whistle blew and people started running I thought I might as well give it a go too. I wasn’t able to do the weekday C25K sessions so I used the app and worked through it on my own.

What motivates you to keep running?

My main motivators are improving my fitness and keeping weight off but being a member of such a supportive club is a great motivator too.


What is your running ambition?

I’d really love to improve on my 2:41:51 half marathon pb, which I achieved in 2018. Sadly training has gone awry leading up to every half marathon I’ve done since so I’ve not managed it yet. I’m hoping 2023 will be my year.


What do you consider your proudest moment?

I was member of the month a few years ago and I think my proudest moments are still completing the inaugural Newport marathon in a time of 5:59:27 (my target was sub 6 hours), and my one and only sub 30 parkrun in May 2019. I’m hoping I might improve on that parkrun pb this year.


Do you have any regrets when it comes to your running journey?

My biggest regret is completely losing my mojo during the covid lockdown. I started out joining in with some of the club challenges but, although I wasn’t able to work and had lots of free time, a lack of childcare made getting out for daytime runs difficult and all motivation had gone by the time my husband got home from work in the evenings.

What is your favourite race, and why? If you don’t race, what is your favourite run?

Cardiff half is still my favourite race because of the amazing crowd support and atmosphere but, although they’re tough, I do enjoy cross country/trail races too -I’m surprised how much I enjoy running in the mud!


What is your favourite music to run to? Or if you don’t listen to music, what do you think about while running?

I only listen to music when I run on my own and I have a varied playing which includes artists such as George Ezra, Jake Bugg, Empire of the Sun and Daft Pun


What is your go-to post-run drink or treat?

Usually milkshake or a cup of tea, which I’ll often drink while having my post-run bath.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out running?

I would definitely recommend couch to 5k and make sure to always do your post-run stretches. It’s easy to forget them but you’ll definitely regret it a day or two later if you do!


Is there anything else you would like to share?

I’d like to thank the club as a whole and for those who have encouraged me to run out of my comfort zone -without them I’d never have discovered how much fun it is running in the mud!

Thank you Tracy!