
February 2024

February 2024

Isabel Young

How long have you been Running?

On and off for the past 10 years, but consistently enough to see improvements for just over a year.

How long have you been with Caerleon Running Club and how did you come to join us?

I joined in May 2023 after completing my first half marathon in Bristol. I knew about the club from living in Caerleon and wanted to meet other local runners to stay motivated and inspired to set new goals.

What inspired you to start running?

I stopped drinking alcohol in December 2022 and found myself with a lot more free time on weekends. I pretty much woke up one day and decided to completely change my life and it just stuck. I’d watch YouTube videos of ultramarathon runners and Ironman triathletes while I was in bed hungover every weekend and think to myself that’s the sort of life I want. I started small by attending Riverfront parkrun on my first sober Saturday morning and the rest is history!

What motivates you to keep running?

Sorry for being cheesy but running has improved my life so much I can’t imagine not running! I’m currently marathon training for Paris in April which I’m doing to raise money for CALM, a suicide prevention charity. Everyone’s donations and motivating messages certainly help me to keep showing up.

What is your running ambition?

I’ve committed to quite a lot this year including my first and second marathons in Paris and Eryri, as well as a half Ironman. I’d like to get through these injury free and then in the long term I’d like to complete an ultra but that’s a few years away yet. I am really enjoying marathon training though.

What do you consider your proudest moment?

When I crossed the finish line at the Tenby 10K in 2023. I’d been out with an injury for 2 months but stayed dedicated to swimming and cycling to maintain my fitness. I was only a minute off my 10K PB despite it being a hilly route (on top of the lack of running I’d been doing!) so I’m definitely due another 10K PB attempt after Paris marathon. That run made me reflect on past versions of myself including the school girl who used to skip PE to smoke cigarettes and the university student who enjoyed kebabs and vodka a bit too much.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your running journey?

Not starting sooner!

What is your favourite race, and why? If you don’t race, what is your favourite run?

The Caerleon 5 miler was my first race as part of the club so I think that one will always be a top contender. The Wyedean Night Race in the Forest of Dean is another great one. My favourite part was either the briefing on what to do if you encounter a wild boar or the waist-deep water feature!

What is your favourite music to run to? Or if you don’t listen to music, what do you think about while running?

I usually save music for particularly hard speed sessions but I will usually listen to running/fitness podcasts while I run. One thing I love about running is that it helps me to not think about anything at all.

What is your go-to post-run drink or treat?

I often go to the cinema on a Sunday afternoon and nothing hits the spot better than a large pic n mix after the weekly long run!

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out running?

Slow down! Finding your easy pace makes running so much more enjoyable.


Is there anything else you would like to share?


Thank you Isabel!