Caerleon RC Kipchoge Challenge

Caerleon RC Kipchoge Challenge

Caerleon RC Kipchoge Challenge

The final week of May saw the Caerleon RC Kipchoge Challenge.

On October 12th 2019, Eliud Kipchoge completed the marathon distance in 1h 59m 40s. Teams of four combined to run for a combined time of 3h 59m 20s (twice Kipchoge's time). The total distance covered by each team was then halved to calculate each teams Kipchoge distance.

It was a very tough week of running with temperatures in the 20s for most of the week. However, everyone dug deep and there was another great competition.

The winners were Team 4 - Tammy, Lowenna, Neil & Alex, covering a Kipchoge distance of 15.09 miles.


​The full results table is below and gives you a real insight into the magnitude of Kipchoge's achievement - our winning team were over 11 miles behind him!

​Well done to everybody who took part and get yourselves geared up for the next club virtual challenge. 


©2021 by Caerleon Running Club.

Photography credits Robert Gale & Paul Stillman

flickr: _NiallS

Additional contributions by Caerleon RC members

© 2020-2024, Caerleon Running Club.
Photography Credits: Tosh Simpkins & Rob Gale
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