

Unless there is a club race or other activity, the club follows one of our club run routes during our Tuesday night session. The route for a particular session can be found on the club calendar. All routes tend to be approximately 10km in length and vary from urban estate runs during the winter months to country lanes during the summer. Below you will see links to all our current runs.  

We would love to keep things fresh and would love to hear from members who have suggestions for new routes. This is especially the case for the winter routes!

Bulmore Blast

Reservoir Run

Llanhennock Loop

​Trinity Bell

Village Venture

Caerleon Fun Run

Estate Run

Malthouse Meltdown

Halloween Horror

Beechwood Bumble

The Super Loopy Loop Loop

Christchurch Conduit

Rodger's Rowan Romp

Ty Sign Darran Manoeuvre

Malthouse & Frechfa Loop

Malpas Mixed Bag

Big City Loop

Rusty Romans

Candwr Canter

Midnight Malthouse Dodge

​Canal Charge

Heather Hill

Glenusk Gallop

Eddie's Pub Crawl

Oliphant in the Gloom

Ringland Ding Dong

Golden Chapel Chomp

Malthouse Malpas Mixup

© 2020-2024, Caerleon Running Club.
Photography Credits: Tosh Simpkins & Rob Gale
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